Eurasia Foundation, Tajikistan

2022-09-19 В рамках проекта "Никто не останется в стороне: Фарогир" финансируемого Европейским Союзом и Каритас Германия, началась реализация программы “Цифровизация г. Канибадам”.

2022-08-17 Представитель ГО Каритас Германия г-н Мартин Тальхаммер посетил г. Канибадам в рамках проекта "Никто не останется в стороне: Фарогир"

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2021-09-03 Caritas Germany brings clean drinking water to Yovon village in Ayni district

2021-05-05 The experience of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia - Tajikistan in the field of cross-border cooperation.

2021-04-23 Project: «Activating the Potential of Civil Society Organizations as Actors and Partners in the Governance, Accountability and Implementation of Rural Development Projects», funded by the European Union in Tajikistan.

2021-04-05 Project results:Activating the Potential of CSOs as Actors and Partners in the Governance, Accountability and Implementation of Rural Development Projects

2021-04-05 Compedium of project: Activating the Potential of CSOs as Actors and Partners in the Governance, Accountability and Implementation of Rural Development Projects

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Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia - Tajikistan (EFCA-Tajikistan), within the framework of the project “Social Development of Youth in Tajikistan”, funded by UNICEF, conducts a series of six-day trainings

Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia - Tajikistan (EFCA-Tajikistan), within the framework of the project “Social Development of Youth in Tajikistan”, funded by UNICEF, conducts a series of six-day trainings for young people in jamoats Vorukh and Lakkon, Isfara city.

The main purpose of these trainings is to increase the level of tolerant youth education in target areas, which are secondary school students in six jamoats of the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan, by actively educating young people through educational activities and engaging in socially active activities.

According to the project plan, with the assistance of the Committee on Youth Affairs, it is planned to organize a number of educational activities involving secondary school students in target areas, with previously trained mentors, which are aimed at increasing cohesion and trust among young people, as well as strengthening cooperation with civil society organizations in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which conduct joint activities in this direction.

Welcome speech from EFCA - Tajikistan was by Ikrom Abdullaev, Project Manager, in which she outlined the concept and information about the project, the importance and need for such activities that contribute to strengthening and increasing cohesion and trust among young people living in the border area.

Similar trainings will be held in all target areas of the project.

Eurasia Foundation, Tajikistan